So much has happened since I last blogged! I have been so lazy and distracted! Let's see if I can get it all in without being too long-winded.
Work: I'm starting to become more comfortable with my new responsibilities I have at work. Recently, a squirrel has paid us a visit. It's been there going on two days now. I really want to see it terrorize other associates or customers. Keep your fingers crossed.
Fairly consistently, I have been coaching a 10 year old on Tuesdays how to throw Shot Put and Discus! It's a lot of fun...except when woman eating mosquitoes are afoot.
Right now, I also have two. eight week classes going on at Crossfit Propel teaching them technique and getting them stronger. I also have some one on one sessions set up. Hopefully, this turns into a longer time gig.
Training: Training has been going pretty well! I am very excited! I have about 8 more weeks until I get to compete again so I am looking forward to a nice little training cycle going into it. Recently, we went and competed in a nonsanctioned weightlifting competition at Crossfit Eado and I did a 271 kgs total which is just 4 kgs under my competition best and 16 kgs under the American Record total. I am pretty excited for upcoming meets.
Competition: Because of how close my sanction is to the National Championships, the National Championships and World Championships are not in the Cards this year. Which is really unfortunate because I can score some much needed points for Team USA to get Olympic Slots. This also kind of throws a wrench into things because per International Olympic Committee rules, I need to compete in two international meets before the Olympics. This leaves the Russian President's Cup (invitation only) in December, the Women's Grand Prix in Austria (self-funded) in probably May of next year, and the Pan American Championships 2016. I started a Go Fund Me to help raise money for the National University Championships which will be in Ogden, Utah toward the end of September. I had a goal of $800 and so far that go has been exceeded by $190! This is good in case prices change or I need incidental monies. August 9th we will have my little comeback meet to qualify me for the National University Championships. I will be fundraising again for the Grand Prix and/or the President's Cup when I get more information. I will be attending the National Championships in Dallas this year as a spectator and to help and cheer for my teammates. If you're around, be sure to come by and say, "hello!"
Personal Life: My roommate is getting hitched soon which is great for her! Unfortunately, this means finding a new place to live...again. I have been considering moving back to the Olympic Training Center after the National University Championships but, I'd really hate to have to leave. I like training here a lot Unfortunately, it's not financially reasonable anymore. We'll see what opportunities present themselves. I really hope to stay. Also, I've been on a couple of double dates. Crazy, right?
Media Opportunities: DID YOU SEE ME ON BIG GIANT SWORDS?! Wasn't that like, the coolest thing ever?! Here's another little diddy they made Sword of the Olympian There's so much to talk about with this show experience, I have another blog in the works. I may have a couple of really fun opportunities coming up. One will get started in mid-July and I am waiting to hear if I have been chosen for something else. Pray that these things will happen. These opportunities will be good for exposure for myself and the sport. Here's to hoping new sponsorships will come for me this next year!
Here are some photos!
A blog by strong women who compete in Olympic Style weightlifting. We want to encourage, support, and inspire everyone out there to be the best they can be. Follow us on our journey as we help you along yours.
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- Sarah and Jessica
- Jessica is our 2016 Olympic Hopeful and Sarah is our 2012 Olympian in Weightlifting. We're setting out to be "Pretty Strong" and we encourage you to do the same.
1 comment:
Best of luck at your next sanctioned meet! Can't wait to read about it!
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