Being a full-time weightlifter is hardwork! We train twice a day at least three days a week and once a day, three days a week. We don't have much time for jobs or other sources of income. We volunteer our time to the community and represent America on the international stage. Help us reach our goal-Making an Olympic team!
The following tips aren't just for us. We encourage you to support any of your local lifters to help them reach their dreams.
People are tired of hearing us weightlifters ask for money. The fact is, we desperately need it to offset training and competition fees. We are planning on setting up a PayPal account for this blog. If you are interested in making a donation please contact us at
Other ways you can help:
PayPal: On the main page of this blog you can donate to Sarah Robles PayPal account. Click on "Team Robles" to donate.
Equipment: If you have any bumpers, barbells, medicine balls, belts, pretty much anything so far as gym equipment is concerned, we need donations. The more equipment we have, the more people we can train. Team Az is in desperate need of 10lkg bumper plates.
Frequent Flyer Miles- if you fly a lot and have some, this is a free way to help us. We travel to the following meets every year: Nationals, American Open, National Championships, Collegiate National Championships, and Arnold Weightlifting Championships. We may not necessarily compete in all of these meets but, usually two at the minimum.
Hotel Rewards-If you travel a lot and stay at hotels, you can collect points for your stay. This is similar to "frequent flyer miles." We have to pay for roughly 2-4 nights hotel at every competition. This gets to be expensive.
Gift Cards- Have any gift cards to restaurants you aren't using or don't want to use? Grocery, sporting good, clothing store gift cards are all acceptable. We need clothes, food, and gym equipment, etc. These are particularly useful for when we travel.
Chiropractic/Massage- Are you a Chirporactor or a Massage Therapist or know of a good one you can refer us to? Staying healthy and being recovered are on the top of the weightlifters "to-do list." Maximized Living Chiropractic is a sponsor of USAW but they don't have doctors every where (my closest one is two hrs away)
Demonstrations and Seminars- We love to educate people about our sport and increase its membership. We want people to use weightlifting and to know more about it. We want people to practice weightlifting safely and properly. Attending these events will educate you and help give back to the weightlifting clubs. For more information go to
Coaching certifications- In one weekend, you can learn about the olympic lifts and become a Level one weightlifting coach. The profits from these events go back to the athletes. You can find more about getting certified at
Become a member of USAW- even if you don't compete or coach, being a member gets you certain benefits and the money goes towards: funding for international trips, training specials and camps, gear, equipment, etc.
Currently, "Pretty Strong" bracelets are on sale for $5. The proceeds go to Sarah. Please go to her PayPal ling called "Team Robles" on the main page of the blog, make a donation, make sure your address is included, and state what the donation is for "Sarah's Bracelets."
They are purple with white writing. Size: Adult Large
I hope you found this informative. If you have other ideas on how to give or get support please leave a comment or email us at
A blog by strong women who compete in Olympic Style weightlifting. We want to encourage, support, and inspire everyone out there to be the best they can be. Follow us on our journey as we help you along yours.
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- Sarah and Jessica
- Jessica is our 2016 Olympic Hopeful and Sarah is our 2012 Olympian in Weightlifting. We're setting out to be "Pretty Strong" and we encourage you to do the same.