
Saturday, May 11, 2013

April 2013 and Other Junk

Special Olympics

I always have a great time coaching special needs athletes despite how challenging it can be. During the first
2/3 of the season, the time is spent getting the athletes to learn the commands and actually learning how to perform the exercises. Then in the last little bit, they pretty much know what's going on and can get into lifting some good weights. We had a good sized group of people that showed up for the Tempe Special Olympics Power Lifting Team this year. We had High school kids all the way through full-grown adults. We wish girls would sign up but, they didn't. One of our guys had to have gall bladder surgery and would be done for the season. We were pretty sad about it.
     This year, we split the team up into groups of two per coach. Which is one of the best changes we've made over the years. One of our more experienced athletes, Matt, helped us coach. It takes a while for the athletes and the coaches to warm up to each other and understand each other. My group had two autistic kids. They were completely different with their levels of functionality but were both pretty strong.
     At the State Championships, all of our athletes had personal records and they all got medals. They were all so pumped!


Before the state meet happened, one of our athletes earned an an award for his work through the work-study type program that he participates with in the special needs program at his school.

The April Challenge of Adding more fruit went well. For the most part, I added fruit to every meal. Being the dessert-fiend I am, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn't desire chocolatey desserts as much. Adding more fruit is such a better way to get in your sugar for the day and get in some vital micro-nutrients.

I went to the Phoenix Women's Sport's Association"Power to Inspire" fundraiser recently and it was an awesome experience.I got to meet a lot of new and important people a well as do some valuable networking. 

Interesting reads & Videos:
There was an interesting video I stumbled upon asking people, "When did you decide you were straight?" 
The discussion about what the CEO of Abercomie thinks about "fat people" and the "uncool" kids. I'm pretty sure the message that he doesn't like specific demographics was there to begin with. I don't really understand how anyone would be surprised at that. Here's an article: A&F Hatorade

Eating on a $3.00/day budget. Here's how they did it: 3 buck chuck!

The end for now!

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